Join Tanya in her
Gut Healing Program
" Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food" Hippocrates
5 WEEKS to a Healthier GUT
Your GUT in the foundation of your health
Your GUT is the foundation of your health.
If your foundation is crambling
GI discomfort
Problems sleeping
Chronic diarrhea
Heartburn (acid reflux) after eating certain foods
The list goes on.....
How can your house be stable?
Let me show you how to re build your foundation so that you can start thriving in your own body.
When you have cracks, you are not getting the nutrients you need.
That mean your hormones are going to be out of whack.
That means you are not thriving but in survial mode.
Your GUT is your first line of defense in your body, and if there are cracks you are not feeling your best.
So what if you took 5 WEEKS to clean up your foundation, clean up your gut and see how good you can actually feel.